Sunday, August 15, 2010

Casual Glam

There are two features above all else that I like to incorporate into my designs: comfort and glam, which I often refer to as "Casual Glam". As you walk around my house you'll notice that I love things that sparkle, I love crystal, I love silver, I love glass - but I don't love pretentious. 

I think this is one of the reasons why I adore this latest chalkboard Meghan created - check it out!

This frame is a unique way to welcome clients & guests, highlight something special or add a little casual glam to your office space. This frame measures 14"x11.5" (outside).

Chalk Talk is the unique, eco-friendly way to leave a message.  Love the idea but not this particular style? We have more to choose from!

We take custom orders as well, so if you also love the idea of a functional piece that is also pretty, let us know what you're looking for and we can help you incorporate Chalk Talk into your space.

Brislane Interiors
Your Style. Your Comfort. You're Home.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Today is brought to you by the letter "D"'ve been reading through blog-land about all the great stuff people are finding at yard sales and thrift stores so I decided to go check out one of the smaller thrift stores in my city earlier this week. I went in with a fairly open mind (as you need to) with just a few things that I was really looking for.

I didn't find what I had in mind but what I did find was unexpected (as most of you thrifters out there probably could have told me) and exciting!

One of my treasures was a a chunky letter "D" that I passed up on my first go-around. It was in a somewhat recognizable box (some big box store I'm sure) and 'as is' hideous. But after I made the full swoop I came back to it, not on purpose mind you, I just figured I'd take one more look down the first aisle in case my mind wasn't as open as it could have been when I first walked in. I took it out of the box, looked at, put it on the shelf...basically gave it the once-over and then walked away. I immediately turned around and picked it up - with my new found appreciation for spray paint I knew I could transform it for my youngest sons room.

I'm pretty new to this whole bloggin-thang so I keep forgetting to take pictures of my projects until they are completed - which is usually when I'm so giddy proud I think "I need to share this" then I realize that the transformation is a bit lost in translation without the "before" to accompany the "after". However this time I caught myself just after I started.

Here are a few pictures of one of my first thrift store treasures, what do you think?

The box...yup paid $1.99

Tried to capture the funky silver original paint, but this pic doesn't do it justice. And of course I had already sprayed the other side before I remembered to grab my camera.

Introducing "Heriloom White" by Rust-oleum...gotta love it!

and voila!

This project was shared on

Brislane Interiors
Your Style. Your Comfort. You're Home.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Whimsical White

The latest in our chalkboard adventures: Whimsical White...its projects such as these that make me want to try for one more just in case its a girl, oh how beautiful her bedroom would be! It also makes me long for a better camera because these pictures truly dont do this Chalk Talk justice! One of these days I will buy a DSLR, I WILL!

This piece would look stunning in a nursery or girls room of any age. You could write little messages on a regular basis, scribe favourite verses from a recent story you shared or incorporate it into the reading nook where she can practice her ABC's and 123's...really the creative possibilities are endless!

Brislane Interiors
Your Style. Your Comfort. You're Home.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chalk Talk: The Sweetest Way to Leave a Message 11"x9" Frames

Chalk Talk: The Sweetest Way to Leave a Message
"Tea and Cream"
11"x9" Frame
  • antique white with just a hint of bronze detailing accents around the chalkboard.
- add it to your kitchen or office
- leave a message for your special someone on the nightstand
- a front hall table to welcome your guests

- on your desk with an inspirational affirmation

- a simple accessory for your powder room
- eco-friendly way to exchange messages and sweet nothings

Brislane Interiors
Your Style. Your Comfort. You're Home.